ocr: Durendal - 3 a tme Aqua. Iwill swallow your dreams like the tide. Will you miss them? How meagre you are. I am hues beyond gou. Hues beyond the jerking Of your Feeble orbs. I am the tooth Of the night. I am the shuddering Aqua between your veins. I wish I could pity gou. Pity the coup Of your bands. I am beyond all shades. Beyond Aqua. How can we speak? I am Widowmaher. Ican onlg sing Of snicker-snack. And you are afraid. Afraid Of me. Afraid Of the ant and the beetle. Afraid Of everything. Afraid Of Aqua. Your Fear tatoos my Dame on your lips. How ashamed you must be. Iwill not humiliate you ...